Managed Services
Save time and optimize your IT budgets
In addition to ourmaintenance, project and integration services, take advantage of our multi-manufacturer and multi-technology experience by trusting us with your ongoing operations for your IT projects and data centers.
We position ourselves as a true partner to provide you with customized and long-term support in the management and upgrade of your IT infrastructures. This then frees you from multiple IT operations which can be repetitive and sometimes time-consuming, leaving you to focus on your development projects.
The objectives we share with you:
Supervise and operate using state-of-the-art information technologies
Extend the life of equipment considered obsolete. We believe they still have a bright future ahead of them. Ex. AS400
The Jiliti benefits
An experienced service provider
Count on our 40 years of experience and implementation gained with 3500 clients to give you the best possible guarantee of the quality of our services.
A highly qualified team
Rely on our experts in more than 70 fields who give our executives and project managers the necessary expertise to implement your IT project successfully.
A trusted partner
98.8% of our clients have renewed their contracts this year. We consider this trust an honor and it drives us to continue and to improve.
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